A workplace “Bestie” is a MUST
Picture mental health as a big garden, AND self-care as the hardworking gardener tending to our delicate emotions.
Mental health is the architect of our mind, constructing bridges of resilience capable of withstanding the weight of life’s challenges.
The year is 2023.
Who is a workplace bestie?
A workplace bestie is that coworker or colleague, you can ACTUALLY STAND at your workplace.
You know, the “one person” or “group of people”, you don’t roll your eyes at, whether internally or literally.
More than anything in the workplace, this PERSON is very important because, believe it or not, they actually make you feel COMFORTABLE at work.
That’s why sometimes you find yourself being able to sit through long, boring meetings while giggling at the back with your bestie(s), which ordinarily you wouldn’t have been able to. You get my drift?
So, whether it’s a “Sharon” or a Mike,” A support system is needed at the workplace.
It’s even been scientifically proven to boost the OVERALL work performance of your staff, as noted by the 2021 Workplace Friendship & Happiness Survey by Wildgoose. Where 21% say friendship makes them more creative and 57% say having a best friend in the workplace enables them to enjoy it more.
Why else would “Management” spend lots of money and time on team bonding activities? It’s because it’s actually important, duh.
Have you ever had those moments where you just felt unnecessarily burned out? Or you felt so down like you couldn’t conquer the day? BUT felt suddenly better when you spoke to one or two people you could actually tolerate at your office? That’s exactly the point of having a workplace bestie.
I remember back in 2021, when I used to work for a particular company. There were days I’d be upset before the official start time, which was 9 a.m., either from home or on my way to work.
One time, this cab driver almost crushed my foot because he was only paying attention to the right side of the road and I was on the left. (*Insert eye roll here.)
I would walk into the office UPSET and a bit moody but quickly get disarmed by one of my “work besties” smiling at me and wanting to tell me something funny that had probably just happened.
How could I frown to a great story?
It was funny because we (Including my second work bestie) would call ourselves “Soul sistas”. This was based off of one of our favorite shows we watched in common.
And here’s the icing on the cake.
My second work bestie was also my MANAGER
Yup, so even managers can be great friends. You don’t always have to be STRICT, UNSMILING or UNKIND because you’re the boss. Loosen up!
Eventually, I found that I lasted at that workplace longer than I would have all by myself. So then, I noted, It’s not always the best option being a “loner”.
Yes, you need personal space, so create boundaries for that. BUT, don’t ever ever choose to isolate, for too long anyway. You may find yourself dreading things beyond your control.
All this being said, did you enjoy this read as much as I enjoyed writing it?
I sure hope so, I love writing pieces like these.
So, I would like to introduce myself:
My name is Joan Nduka, I am a versatile wordsmith and curator of captivating stories.
I have the power of persuasion for sales and crafting compelling narratives that will help upscale your business and drive more engagement.
So, whether you need help crafting engaging content to promote your products or services, or you require persuasive techniques to drive conversions and sales, I’ve got you covered.
But my pen doesn’t stop here
As a content writer, I will also deliver informative articles and thought-provoking blog posts.